

  • Formally, given a sequence of tokens and a finite vocabulary , where each token , an autoregressive language model models the probability distribution , for each token in the sequence.

How to get the next token

  • . (greedy decoding)
  • (stochastic sampling)

Temperature sampling

  • Temperature sampling first divides the logits by a temperature parameter before passing them through the softmax function to obtain a modified probability distribution : where is the (unnormalized) log probability of token .

  • The temperature parameter controls the randomness of the sampling process.

    • result in a more uniform probability distribution, increasing the chances of sampling lower-probability tokens and generating more diverse output.
    • make the distribution sharper, favoring higher-probability tokens and more conservative and deterministic outputs.

Top-p sampling (nucleus sampling)

  • Given over the vocabulary at position , top-p sampling first sorts the tokens in descending order of their probabilities.
  • It then selects the smallest set of tokens whose cumulative probability exceeds a predefined threshold , where .
  • It finally samples according to the re-normalized probabilities.

Sampler Orders

  • The order in which samplers are applied matters and can meaningfully change the output.
    • For example, if Temperature comes first in the order before top P, then your Temperature value would change the output probabilities that top P judges, and it will truncate differently.
    • If top P comes before Temperature, then the original probabilities are measured first, which means Temperature will only affect the tokens you decided to keep using top P.
  • It’s usually assumed that temperature sampling is applied first
  • Beam search is a heuristic search algorithm
    • modification of breadth-first seach (BFS) to reduce memory requirements
  • How it proceeds
    • Start with an initial state (e.g. partly completed generation)
    • Generate the next top K candidates (e.g. for tokens, probabilities define the ranking) where K is the beam width
    • From each of those K candidates, score all possible states (i.e. tokens)
    • Keep only the top K candidates overall
    • Start over until a stopping criterion is met (e.g. maximum length or end of text token)
  • A beam search with K=1 is equivalent to greedy decoding
  • How do you score candidates deeper in the search tree?
    • Sum of log probabilities (may tend to favor shorter sequences)
    • Average log prob
    • Length normalized score



  • Objectives for min-p are to

    • (1) match or outperform the state-of-the-art top-p sampling across various reasoning and performance benchmarks at standard temperature settings between 0 and 1
    • (2) better handle the creativity-coherence trade-off at higher temperatures
    • (3) provide a simple, effective sampling method without relying on additional techniques like repetition penalties to address the externalities of high-temperature sampling.
  • Top-p sampling does not work well for higher temperatures: here, tokens from the β€œunreliable tail” can still enter the sampling pool

    • When using top-p sampling, it is recommended to adjust either the value of p or the temperature Ο„ , but not both simultaneously (OpenAI API, 2024) as they can lead to conflicting effects.


  • The method uses a relative probability threshold to scale the maximum token probability to determine the absolute probability threshold . One can think that
    • Sampling is then performed on tokens with probability greater than or equal to .
  • Formally, given the maximum probability over the token distribution , the absolute probability threshold is calculated as:
    • The sampling pool is then defined as the set of tokens whose probability is greater than or equal to : Finally, the next token is randomly sampled from the set according to the normalized probabilities:
  • A lower top-p value results in more selective token choices and a bias towards more likely outputs.


  • High-confidence predictions: When the model assigns high probability to a particular next token, min-p filters out low-probability alternatives. This preserves coherence by avoiding sampling from the β€œunreliable tail” that could derail generation
  • Low-confidence predictions: When there is no clear front-runner, min-p relaxes its filter. This allows the model to sample from a more diverse set of plausible continuations, enabling creativity in open-ended settings.