
  • Use the sbatch command to submit a job script

  • Check job status: squeue

  • Cancel a job: scancel <job_id>

  • View detailed job info: scontrol show job <job_id>

  • Start an interactive session: srun --pty bash

  • parallel jobs:

    • srun with specifying #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=<int>


  • Specify CPU cores: --ntasks=<number> or --cpus-per-task=<number>
  • Request memory: --mem=<amount>[K|M|G|T]
  • Set time limit: --time=<days>-<hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>
  • Specify custom output file: --output=<filename>
      • By default, SLURM creates output files named slurm-<job_id>.out
  • Run a job after another completes: --dependency=afterok:<job_id>