
  • (Ho et al. (2020) ) Denoising loss:
    • This objective can be seen as a reweighted form of (without the terms affecting ). The authors found that optimizing this reweighted objective resulted in much better sample quality than optimizing directly, and explain this by drawing a connection to generative score matching (Song & Ermon, 2019; 2020).

”Improved denoising diffusion probabilistic models” (TLDR: they learn )

Learning the variance

  • We want to fit

  • The variational lower bound loss is derived from VDM

  • To fit , one can simply reparametrize as a noise prediction network , and use

  • However to train , one must use the full

  • They do

  • is only trained using , thus they use a stop-grad when computing (

    • simply use mean_pred.detach() as the mean when computing the VLB.
  • For sample quality, the first few steps of the diffusion don’t really matter i.e. very small details. HOWEVER, for maximizing log-likelihood, the first few steps of the diffusion process matter the most as they contribute the most to the variational lower bound (Fig.2 of the paper)

    • This is because the likelihood of a training sample with very little noise must still be well calibrated and high for this sample. This is not really taken into account when only doing noise matching loss.
  • In “Improved denoising diffusion probabilistic models”, they characterized the variance as:

  • where is the variance schedule and is the variance of the posterior

  • and is a vector containing one component per dimension

Better noise schedule

  • cosine schedule
  • they use a small offset to prevent to be too small near t=0
  • They selected such that was slightly smaller than the pixel bin size 1/127.5.
  • Can be smaller for other modalities.

Reducing gradient noise

  • introduces a lot of gradient noise
  • gradient noise = l2 norm of concatenated gradient
  • Noting that different terms of Lvlb have greatly different magnitudes (Figure 2), we hypothesized that sampling t uniformly causes unnecessary noise in the Lvlb objective
  • Simple importance sampling technique reduces this noise
    • where and
  • We found that the importance sampling technique was not helpful when optimizing the less-noisy objective directly.

Wurtschen (learned noise gating trick)

  • We have
  • To predict , they do
  • with , and have the same dimension as the noise . The division is element-wise.
  • It makes the training more stable. They hypothesize this occurs because the model parameters are initialized to predict 0 at the beginning, enlarging the difference to timesteps with a lot of noise. By reformulating to the objective, the model initially returns the input, making the loss small for very noised inputs.
  • noise prediction:
  • diffusion implementation:
  • Additionally, they do p2 loss weighted noise matching
    • where
    • making higher noise levels contribute more to the loss

Analyzing and Improving the Training Dynamics of Diffusion Models

Noisy training signal
  • The training dynamics of diffusion models remain challenging due to the highly stochastic loss function.
    • The final image quality is dictated by faint image details predicted throughout the sampling chain
    • small mistakes at intermediate steps can have snowball effects in subsequent iterations
  • The network must accurately estimate the average clean image across a vast range of noise levels, Gaussian noise realizations, and conditioning inputs.
  • Learning to do so is difficult given the chaotic training signal that is randomized over all of these aspects