• ZeRO sits at the Data Parallelism Layer

    • super-scalable extension of DP
  • ZeRO removes the memory redundancies across data-parallel processes by partitioning the model states—parameters, gradients, and optimizer state—across data parallel processes instead of replicating them.


  • How memory is organized within a GPU in vanilla DDP
  • Let be the number of parameters of the models.
  • ”Naive” memory consumption of mixed precision training.
    • fp16 copy of the parameters and the gradients, +
    • Optimizer states:
      • for Adam, as we need to hold fp32 copies of parameters, momentum, and variance
    • Total + + =


  • ZeRO++ reduces communication volume by 4x compared to ZeRO-3.
  • How?
    1. Quantized weights (qwZ) : Reduces all-gather parameter communication volume by half by quantizing model weights to int8.
    2. Hierarchical Partitioning (hpZ): Hierarchical partitioning is a hybrid partitioning scheme that can help in multi-node settings with DeepSpeed ZeRO 3. In this case, you can have model parameter sharding happening within a node, and then have replication across nodes. This means that you don’t have the same amount of memory savings as classic ZeRO-3 running for the full setup, but you avoid expensive inter-node parameter communication overhead, thereby improving throughput in general. Related to hybrid sharding in FSDP (Fully Sharded Data Parallel)
    3. Quantized gradients (qgZ): Enables even more savings in communication volume by replacing fp16 with int4 quantized data during gradient reduce-scatter ops (Recall: this is the gradient gather + averaging step in ZeRO 2/3 with sharded gradients).

Partitioning (ZeRO-1,2,3)

ZeRO-DP (optimizer state, gradients, parameters)

Let the DP degree be .

: Optimizer State Partitioning

  • For a DP degree of , we group the optimizer states into equal partitions, such that the th data parallel process only updates the optimizer states corresponding to the th partition.
  • Thus, each data parallel process only needs to store and update of the total optimizer states and then only update of the parameters
  • Memory requirements: . If is large, we get approx 4x reduction

: Optimizer State and Gradient Partitioning

  • For a DP degree of , we group the optimizer states and the gradients into equal partitions, such that the th data parallel process only updates the optimizer states corresponding to the th partition.
  • As each gradient of each layer becomes available during the backward propagation, we only reduce them on the data parallel process responsible for updating the corresponding parameters.
    • After the reduction, we no longer need the gradients and their memory can be released on all processes expect the relevant one
  • Memory requirements: . If is large, approx. 8x reduction in memory needs.

: Parameter + Optimizer State + Gradient Partitioning

  • Just as with the optimizer states, and the gradients, each process only stores the parameters corresponding to its partition.
  • When the parameters outside of its partition are required for forward and backward propagation, they are received from the appropriate data parallel process through broadcast.
  • The approach only increases the total communication volume of a baseline DP system to 1.5x
  • Memory requirements: . If is large, approx. Can fit any model as long as there are sufficient number of devices to share the models states. Reduces consumption by .

Communication volume analysis

  • If two communications of volume happen in parallel, we only count a volume of
  • What matters is sequential communications, as those will impact performance

All reduce communication volume for gradients in typical DP =

  • SOTA implementation of all-reduce use a two step approach: reduce-scatter + all-gather
  • reduce-scatter and all-gather both require communication volume. communication volume for a single process (but everything overlaps in a ring, so same runtime as doing it with a node)
  • sending everything to root node, reducing there, and sending back is also communication volume
  • Total volume =

Communication Volume with

  • With gradient partitioning, each process only stores the portion of the gradients, that is required to update its corresponding parameter partition.
    • During the backward
      • Each process sends a gradient of volume to the corresponding partition. Each process does so times over the process of the backward volume
    • Once the parameters are updated on each process
      • Each process sends parameters of volume to all the processes volume
  • Total volume =

Communication Volume with

  • After parameter partitioning, each data parallel process only stores the parameters that it updates.

  • Therefore, during the forward propagation it needs to receives the parameters for all the other partitions.

  • During the forward

    • The responsible process broadcasts its parameters of volume to all other processes, when it’s time to process its layer.
    • This happens times.
    • Volume =
  • Total volume =