• We can horizontally partition the computation for one tensor operation across multiple devices, named Tensor parallelism (TP).
  • We write the derivations by splitting in two, however in general, the matrixes are split equally within the GPUs in a given node

Parallelizing a GEMM (General Matrix multiply)

  • is , A is $d_{model} \times d_{hidden}$$

  • First option (parallelize and aggregate, each β€œthread” computes a matrix of the same dimension as ) (more memory efficient, but requires all_reduce at the end): - split along its rows and input along its columns: - , - is and is - Then, (it’s true, I checked) - intuition: - A matrix-matrix mul can be seen as multiple matrix-vector mul concatenated (along the columns of A). - In such matrix-vector mul, each element of a given column in is responsible for picking out its corresponding column in , mutliply it by itself, and then the result is summed to obtain the new column in - Here, we parallelize the computation over these columns, and aggregate at the end

  • Second option (parallelize and concatenate, each β€œthread” produces a slice of ) (less memory efficient but no synchronization):

    • Split along its columns


  • is , A is , B is

  • Usual two-layer MLP block is

    • Y =
    • i.e. one GEMM (general matrix multiply)
    • one GeLU
    • one GEMM
  • Parallelizing the

    • First option (parallelize and aggregate, each β€œthread” computes a matrix of the same dimension as ):

      • GeLU is nonlinear, so
        • Thus we need to sychnronize before the GeLU function
    • Second option (parallelize and concatenate, each β€œthread” produces a slice of ):

      • Split along its columns
    • This partitioning allows the GeLU nonlinearity to be independently applied to the output of each partitioned GEMM

    • This is advantageous as it removes a synchronization point

  • Parallelizing

    • Given we receive = , split by the columns, we split by its rows
    • Compute
    • Synchronization
      • Z = all_reduce(Y_iB_i) by summing them
      • Called in the diagram
  • Diagram

    • is an all-reduce in the forward where the matrix are aggregated by summing, identity (or splitting) in the backward
    • is an identity (or splitting) in the forward, and an all-reduce in the backward


  • They exploit inherent parallelism in the multihead attention operation.

    • partitioning the GEMMs associated with key (K), query (Q), and value (V ) in a column parallel fashion such that the matrix multiply corresponding to each attention head is done locally on one GPU

    • This allows us to split per attention head parameters and workload across the GPUs, and doesnt require any immediate communication to complete the self-attention.

    • The subsequent GEMM from the output linear layer (after self attention) is parallelized along its rows (i.e. ), given it receives the self-attention split by columns, by design (requiring no communication)

    • Finally, we apply , the all_reduce to obtain the result (before dropout)

  • Diagram