
Buffers (memory allocation)

  • Like FSDP, they shard layers instead of individual parameters, to maintain efficient communications (keep the data bus busy)
  • To control memory consumption, they allocate buffers for all required data in advance to avoid letting Torch take care of it.

Buffer implementation

  • On a given process, two buffers are allocated for storing intermediate weights and gradients.
    • Each odd layer uses the first buffer, and each even layer uses the second buffer.
    • This way, the GPU can compute using the parameter/gradients of its current layer, while concurrently fetching for the next layer. Thus, it’s non-blocking.

Buffers for what

  • Buffers to store shards and gradients in fp32 for the optimizer (mixed-precision)
  • A buffer to store the weight shard in half precision (`bf16/fp16)

Communications requirements

  • Set up communications so that:
  1. The forward/backward pass on the layer doesn’t start until the weights of that layer are collected in its buffer.
  2. Before the forward/backward pass on a certain layer is completed, we don’t collect another layer in this layer’s buffer.
  3. The backward pass on the layer doesn’t start until the reduce_scatter operation on the previous layer that uses the same gradient buffer is completed.
  4. The reduce_scatter operation in the buffer doesn’t start until the backward pass on the corresponding layer is completed.

Overlapping communication and computation

  • They use CUDA streams (1 computation stream and 1 communication stream) and use CUDA events to handle synchronization requirements
  • To satisfy requirements 1 and 2 above, you can use this sequence of events
    • Bold = event.record(), dotted = event.wait()

How to implement in Torch


  • You can use forward_pre_hook and forward_hook


  • CUDA stream events
  • Caveat
    • While backward_pre_hook works exactly as anticipated, backward_hook may behave unexpectedly:
      • If the module input tensor has at least one tensor that doesn’t pass gradients (for example, the attention mask), backward_hook will run before the backward pass is executed.
      • Even if all module input tensors pass gradients, there is no guarantee that backward_hook will run after the .grad of all tensors is computed.