Definition 1 (Spectral norm)

The spectral norm of a matrix is given by:

That is, the spectral norm is the largest factor by which a matrix can increase the norm of a vector on which it acts.

Also the spectral norm of a matrix is equal to its largest singular value.

Properties of the spectral norm

Let be arbitrary matrices and be an arbitrary vector. As with all norms, the spectral norm is subadditive, meaning that it obeys the triangle inequality:

The spectral norm is also submultiplicative in the sense that:


If we interpret a vector as a matrix, then the , spectral and Frobenius norms are equivalent: .

Special cases of the spectral norm

For a rank-one matrix , which can be written as an outer-product , it holds that:

A matrix is semi-orthogonal if either:

A semi-orthogonal matrix has unit spectral norm: .