Challenge: We Run Out of Memory

  • From Ring Attention: β€œWith a batch size of 1, processing 100 million tokens requires over 1000GB for a modest model with a hidden size of 1024”.
  • Input has to be materialized
    • Memory scales linearly with Flash-Attention (compute is still quadratic)
      • need to store input QKV + output + LSE + dout for backward

Vanilla Attention

  • Memory complexity of naive attention is quadratic with sequence length (attention matrix & softmax output)

The crux of Attention: softmax

  • Challenge: you need to know the denominator i.e. full sums over rows of the score matrix
  • For FlashAttention & RingAttention, we need to compute the softmax part blockwise/online i.e. with parts of this sum!

Numerically stable softmax

  • remove the max from the row, more numerically stable
    • softmax is shift-invariant
  • Also, we do divisions as substractions in log-space! (much faster and stable)

Blockwise softmax

  • Each block computes a part of the denominator i.e.
  • usually exchanged as i.e. log-sum-exp
  • Internal flash attention returns the log-sum-exp
  • You can then incrementally build up the denominator by adding the log-sum-exp
  • Code
    • accumulate into out variable

Ring Attention

  • For a given block of the query matrix e.g. , needs to see all the other blocks of and to output the correct attention
  • So we split QKV sequence across N devices
  • hosts form a conceptual ring to exchange KV segments
  • One pass completes when every node has seen all parts of the
  • Zero overead for longer sequences: overlap computation and communication
    • Schema
  • Problem: slowest ring host determines the pace
    • If use causal masking, some devices are idle because of the causal masking preventing computation
    • i.e. if query indices are larger than the key indices, you skip computation
    • Striped Attention takes care of this, by reordering the indices inside the blocks to avoid idle GPUs.


  • During inference with ring attention, one small query matrix must wait to pass around all the nodes containing the blocks. This is quite inefficient.
  • Solution: Just send to every node (or smaller rings) and reduce at the end