• Hardware-aware architectures

Primer on β€œDo we need attention?” for sequence modelling

  • FFN acts on each position independently

  • Attention acts on every position in the sequence.

    • allows us to dynamically look back at all positions when calculating a sequence prediction
  • We could use something simpler

  • Attention is still limited by context length

    • Training Speed - Cost is quadratic in length
    • Generation Speed - Attention requires full lookback

Alternatives to Attention

  • Setting: We want to map scalar sequence to scalar sequence

How they’re used

  • Similar to a transformer, we just replace the attention in the transformer block by an RNN structure
  • The RNN block takes the input sequence and outputs an output sequence, similarly to a self-attention block
    • The only difference is that the RNN block doesn’t do a full-sequence lookback to compute each value in the sequence, and instead computes a more structured look-back :)

Vanilla RNN

Update rules

Computational graph


  • Training Speed: Slow (Serial bottleneck)
  • Generation Speed: Fast (constant-time per step, no need to look back at the entire previous context)

Linear-time variant (LTV) RNNs

Updates rules

  • Just construct like in Attention, as learnable projections from sequence .

Linear-time invariant (LTI) or Linear RNNs

  • Linear RNNS are discretized state space models (SSMs)

Updates rules

Closed form (rolling out the recurrence)

  • Let the kernel (it’s a vector)
  • Then we get a sliding window convolution form

Computation 1: Fourier space

  • You can compute the convolution in Fourier space
    • map and into Fourier Space using FFT,
    • compute the product of the individual fourier coefficients
    • map back to time space using iFFT,

Computation 2: associative scan (S5)

  • **It works too for Linear Time Variant RNNs
  • (FOR LTI) We have
  • (FOR LTV), it’s not the same but we can write
  • We can break up the computation into associative terms using what’s called a parallel prefix sum algorithm
  • It produces the hidden states instead of directly outputting
  • Based on parallel prefix sum algorithm
    • with a single processor, this algorithm runs in
    • however with around processors, you can get


  • Training Speed: Fast (Parallelizable convolution)
  • Generation Speed: Fast (constant-time per step, no need to look back at the entire previous context)


  • is not dependent on the input (unlike query, keys in the attention)

  • The choice of the parametrization is critical: stable and informative

    • especially the powers of will influence greatly the kernel
  • Example

    • LRU paper (periodic):
      • where and are learned
    • MEGA (damped, exponential moving average)
      • very good results on NLP tasks like translation
      • Kernel visualisation
  • We study the continuous-time differential equation or State Space Model (SSM) to explore the linear RNN parametrization

Kernel Visualization

Bidirectional task

  • For a bidirectional or non-causal NLP task (i.e. BeRT)
    • Visualisation from BiGs of a single layer
  • Replaces the Attention Matrix
  • Single Kernel Per Layer
  • All Kernels Visualisation

Performance issues

  • Linear RNNs really shine in very long context, but don’t have huge savings yet in smaller context

Issues on Accelerators

  • Support for complex numbers
  • Support for FFT (lower precision, TPU)
  • Numerical Stability
  • Fast Associative Scans
  • Hard to compete with pure MatMul in Attention