• MUFFIN: Curating Multi-Faceted Instructions for Improving Instruction-Following
  • https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.02436
  • 68K (instruction, input, output) instances in MUFFIN



  • Image
  • Instruction extraction
    • given a piece of text, get an LLM to suggest different textual facets of the text use those facets to suggest possible instructions (+ three shot from instructions from SuperNI)
  • Instruction rematching
    • gather suitable instructions from existing human-annotated set ask GPT-4 whether the instruction can align with the input to form a valid task (“Yes” or “No”).
  • Creating outputs
    • Given the created (instruction, input pairs), use ChatGPT to annotate outputs, or mark them as “None” for instances that ChatGPT deems unanswerable